
First Ride of 2009

DualSportPlus shipped my engine guards as promised. I popped in there 2 weeks ago, before going to Argentina, on the way back from a business meeting in Buffalo. I know what I wanted thanks to the power of the "inter-web" (that always make me chuckle). When I arrived at their Stoney Creek store they had sold out of the bash plates and engine guards that I wanted, but had received an order of even better bash plates.....a quick look at it ( it was the new AdvMoto stuff one!) and I was fine with it, but no engine guards - but the owner of the store said he'd order them and ship them to me free of charge because I'd already come to the store. As I said, they kept their word.

So the engine guards and bash plate have been waiting for me since I came home from Argentina, waiting for a day with temperatures above freezing for me to get going; and that day was today. A forecast high of 10 C (low of -1) left me confident that I wouldn' freeze when I started to do some Bike DIY !!!

Short of the story is, I put the gear on, a few pushes, prods, bruised knuckles plus one trip to Canadian Tire to get some blue Loctite, and all is well. So I'm elated with my DIY capability. Clean-up is done (to save the ear bashing from T), sun is shining - what can I do but take the bike out for my first ride of the year? Snow is still on the ground. I rode up to Wilcox lake (still frozen). My original intent was to just stick to the well paved roads, but as I headed north on Leaslie St. between Soufville Rd. and Bloomington Rd E, I was a dirt track heading off to the left, apparently it's a street, lol; well I couldn't resist

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